Overview of Straight Racks
Tooth Max. Feed
Class Quality Module Total Thickness Max. Force Per Applications (Examples)
Pitch Error Tolerance Length Pinion Contact
4 5 12 -13 1005 62.0 High Precision Machine Tools
6 12 -13 1018 89.0 with Electrical Preload
8 12 -13 1005 156.0
10 12 -13 1005 234.0
12 12 -13 1018 333.5
5 2 26 -15 2011 17.0 Backlash Free Drives with Electrical
3 26 -15 2036 25.5 Preload, Machine Tools, Lifting Axis,
4 26 -15 2011 49.0 Multiple Pinion Contact
5 26 -15 2011 75.0
6 2 36 -37 1005 15.5 Wood, Plastic, Composite,
3 36 -37 1018 25.5 Aluminium Working Machines
4 36 -37 1005 49.0
6 2 36 -37 2011 12.5 Machine Tools, Integrated Racks,
3 36 -37 2036 23.5 Water Cutting Machines,
4 36 -37 2011 42.0 Tube Bending Systems,
5 36 -22 2011 62.0 Plasma Cutting Machines
6 36 -22 2036 89.0
8 36 -22 2011 155.5
10 36 -22 1005 234.0
12 36 -22 1018 333.0
7 2 52 -51 1005 13.0 Woodworking Machines,
3 52 -51 1018 23.5 Linear Axis with High Requirement
4 52 -51 1005 42.5 for a Smooth Running
5 52 -37 1005 62.5
6 52 -37 1018 89.0
8 52 -37 1005 155.5
8 2 60 -59 1005 12.0 Portals, Handling
3 60 -59 1018 22.0 Linear Axis
4 60 -59 1005 39.0
5 60 -59 1005 57.5
8 2 100 -110 2011 7.0 Linear Axis
3 100 -110 2036 12.0
4 100 -110 2011 23.0
5 100 -110 2011 27.0
9 1 150 -110 999 0.7 Linear Axis with Low Load
1.5 150 -110 1998 1.0 Feed Units for Adjustment
2 150 -110 3016 3.0
2.5 150 -110 2003 3.0
3 150 -110 3054 6.5
4 150 -110 3016 12.5
5 150 -110 2011 14.5
6 150 -110 2036 21.5
8 150 -110 2011 38.5
10 150 -110 1005 49.5
10 2 200 -110 2011 7.0 Lifting Axis, Handling,
3 200 -110 2036 16.5 Welding Robots
4 200 -110 2011 29.5
5 200 -110 2011 45.5
6 200 -110 2036 63.0
10 1 200 -110 999 2.0 Driving and Lifting Axis for Higher Loads
1.5 200 -110 1998 3.5 but without Special Accuracy
2 200 -110 3016 7.0
2.5 200 -110 2003 8.5
3 200 -110 3054 16.5
4 200 -110 3016 29.5
5 200 -110 2011 45.5
6 200 -110 2036 63.0
8 200 -110 2011 110.0
10 200 -110 1005 166.0
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Linear Motion Technology