Atlanta High Precision Rack HPR
28 25 100 2 1005.31 160 24 24 22 2.0 62.83 125.66 8 9 10 15.0 9 32.8 939.7 9.7 4.1
28 25 150 2 1507.96 240 24 24 22 2.0 62.83 125.66 12 9 10 15.0 9 32.8 1442.3 9.7 6.2
28 25 200 2 2010.62 320 24 24 22 2.0 62.83 125.66 16 9 10 15.0 9 32.8 1945.0 9.7 8.2
28 35 100 3 1017.88 108 29 29 26 2.0 63.61 127.23 8 10 12 17.5 11 28.6 960.6 11.7 5.9
28 35 150 3 1526.81 162 29 29 26 2.0 63.61 127.23 12 10 12 17.5 11 28.6 1469.6 11.7 8.9
28 35 200 3 2035.75 216 29 29 26 2.0 63.61 127.23 16 10 12 17.5 11 28.6 1978.5 11.7 11.8
6 2 36 -37 2000 19.5 Wood, Plastic, Composite,
3 36 -37 2000 31.0 Aluminium Working Machines
4 36 -37 2000 60.0
6 1.5 36 -37 1000 9.0 Machine Tools, Integrated Racks
2 36 -37 2000 15.5 Water Cutting Machines,
3 36 -37 2000 28.5 Tube Bending Systems,
4 36 -37 2000 51.5 Plasma Cutting Machines
5 36 -22 2000 76.0
6 36 -22 2000 109.0
8 36 -22 1920 191.0
10 36 -22 1500 287.0
12 36 -22 1000 409.0
7 2 52 -51 2000 16.0 Woodworking machines,
3 52 -51 2000 29.0 Linear Axis with High Requirement
4 52 -51 2000 52.5 for a smooth Running
5 52 -37 2000 77.0
6 52 -37 2000 110.0
8 52 -37 1920 192.5
10 52 -37 1500 289.0
29 .. ... 2, 3, 4 Case-Hardened 6 h ZA-6
29 .. ... 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Induction-Hardened 6 h ZA-7
29 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 Induction-Hardened 7 h ZA-8
6 2 36 -37 1005 15.5 Wood, Plastic, Composite,
3 36 -37 1018 25.5 Aluminium Working Machines
4 36 -37 1005 49.0
6 2 36 -37 2011 12.5 Machine Tools, Integrated Racks,
3 36 -37 2036 23.5 Water Cutting Machines,
4 36 -37 2011 42.0 Tube Bending Systems,
5 36 -22 2011 62.0 Plasma Cutting Machines
6 36 -22 2036 89.0
8 36 -22 2011 155.5
10 36 -22 1005 234.0
12 36 -22 1018 333.0
7 2 52 -51 1005 13.0 Woodworking Machines,
3 52 -51 1018 23.5 Linear Axis with High Requirement
4 52 -51 1005 42.5 for a Smooth Running
5 52 -37 1005 62.5
6 52 -37 1018 89.0
8 52 -37 1005 155.5
28 .. ... 2, 3, 4 Case-Hardened 6 h ZB-6
28 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Induction-Hardened 6 h ZB-7
28 .. ... 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 Induction-Hardened 7 h ZB
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Linear Motion Technology